Saturday, April 23, 2011

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

Who says video games are all about violence and gore? Or about lame things such as cooking or horse riding? Cooking Mama, I'm looking at you. Anyway, video games have potential to be much more than mindless pass times. Enter Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. That's right, you play as an attorney and defend clients in the court of law. Sure, it may sound like the lamest game concept ever, but this game is surprisingly fun.

This game is composed of two stages: the investigation stage where you wonder the crime scene looking for clues and talking to witnesses, and the court stage where you cross-examine witnesses and look for contradictions in their testimonies. By exposing their lies, we can bring the truth of the crime apparent to the judge so he can make the correct verdict.

This game encourages careful observation and logical reasoning skills, not an itchy trigger finger. It's a great game to play if you're tired of all those first person shooter games out there.