Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Your Typical Transformation Story

There are many times when we wish we could go back and change what we said/did. Unfortunately, time doesn't seem to know how to move in reverse. But what if you were given the chance to make the choice again? What would you do? This has been the tagline for many movies, the latest (or at least one that came out a couple of years ago) is 17 Again.

The difference here, however, is that he literally becomes 17 again. He doesn't go back in time and chooses a different path, go through some trouble, then learns that his life was wonderful the way it was and suddenly wakes up, learning it was all a dream and he goes on with a new appreciation with life. Nope. In 17 Again, Mike just loses 20 or so years and everything else remains unchanged. This becomes pretty humorous at times when he talks to his children in father-tones, forgetting he is now the same age.

This movie still explores the question, "what if I could do it over?" But in a slightly different way than, say, A Wonderful Life. This is a story of a dad being given the chance to connect with his kids at a different level and helping them (his "spirit quest," an idea given to him by his dorky best friend) as they struggle through high school. It's also a story about love and never giving up on the one you love.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Oh viral videos. How we love them. Or in the case of Rebecca Black's Friday, it's the video everyone seems to love to hate. As of this post, there are 34.5 million views and 90% of the ratings are dislikes. As of March 18th when ABC did a report on this song, it held the 31st spot on iTunes. So despite the overwhelmingly negative response to the song, it's getting out there fast.
I must admit I am one of the naysayers. After hearing the lyrics of "we so excited" and "tomorrow is Saturday, and Sunday comes afterwards," I just couldn't take any more. Also, eighth graders should not be driving OR going to parties. Much to young for that.
Just in case you haven't had the pleasure/displeasure of viewing this video, here it is!

And the ABC report on the popular opinion that this is the worst song ever:

That only leaves us with the question: How DO we decide which seat to take?

Monday, March 7, 2011


In an attempt to be "culturally relevant," I finally succumbed to watching Glee. Not too much though, as I've only watched one episode. For those who watch Glee, it was the one about the Beiber experience. For those who don't, some guys in the Glee club decide to imitate Justin Beiber (ironically much younger than they are) in order to score it big with their girl friends.

It was definitely an interesting experience. The music was good, but everything in between wasn't particularly engaging for me, especially since it proposed such a strong secular world view. I'll have to watch more episodes before decided whether I actually "like" the show or not, but either way, it does say a lot about what our society values and how they think.

Interestingly enough, this episode of Glee was the first time I've ever heard Beiber presented in a positive light.